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Pivotal by Copious

4.8 ( 928 ratings )
개발자: Copious Healthcare
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Add your patients, track their growth and get insights into their progress through highly interactive charts. Pivotal by Copious Healthcare is an extensive anthropometric app designed for paediatricians.

Features include

· Enables you to track for a wide age range extending from pre-term babies right up to young adults of 18 years

· Seamless generation of growth charts which allow you to compare growth parameters at each stage

· First ever app to include real-time Mid Parental Height Graphs

· - z score graphs are available for Weight, Height, and Head Circumference.

· Trackable growth Parameters:

o Weight

o Height

o Head Circumference

o Chest Circumference

o Blood Pressure(BP)

· Graphing and insight data:

o Z-Scores

o Mid-Parental Height and Predicted Target Height Range

o Weight vs Age

o Height vs Age

o Weight vs Height

Why you should trust us?

· Our source data has been gathered from reputable sources such as:

o Oxford University’s Intergrowth 21: For pre-term babies of 27 weeks to 20 weeks

o World Health Organisation(WHO) growth charts: 0 Weeks to 5 years

o Indian Academy of Paediatrics (IAP): 5 years to 18 years of age

o Forth Report for blood pressure diagnosis

Our research and validation is an ongoing process. We will actively incorporate new and validated research to bring the latest information at your fingertips.

Note: We join Users to the doctors if their own choice, Users are advised in addition to this app confirm medical advice from the licensed medical practitioner before making any medical decisions.